
Line Rider 2

Line Rider 2 is an exceptional drawing and physics-based game that challenges players to create intricate tracks for a sled racer to navigate. This game combines creativity, physics, and strategic thinking, providing endless fun and excitement.

Gameplay Mechanics:

  • Drawing Tracks: Using a pencil tool, players draw paths for the sled racer. These paths can be as simple or as complex as the player desires, allowing for a wide range of creative expression.
  • Physics-Based Movement: The sled racer's movement is governed by realistic physics, meaning the design of the track will directly affect how the racer slides, jumps, and performs stunts.

Types of Lines: Players can choose from different types of lines, such as:

  • Acceleration Line: Increases the sled racer's speed.
  • Checkpoint Line: Acts as a save point in the track, allowing the player to retry from that point in case of a fall.


  • Creative Freedom: The game encourages players to use their imagination and creativity to design unique and challenging tracks.
  • Mind-Blowing Stunts: As the sled racer navigates the track, they perform a variety of stunts, adding excitement and visual flair to the gameplay.
  • Avoiding Crashes: Players must carefully design their tracks to avoid dangerous crashes or falls into the void. Precision and careful planning are key to creating successful tracks.
  • Speed Records: Players can challenge themselves to beat speed records by designing tracks that maximize the sled racer's velocity while ensuring safety and continuity.

How to play Line Rider 2

Using Mouse.


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